The Danish philosopher Kierkegaard warned against the belief that generalisations are more important than individual human beings. Writing over a hundred and fifty years ago he said:

The more the collective idea comes to dominate even the ordinary consciousness, the more forbidding seems the transition to becoming a particular existing human being; instead of losing oneself in the race, and saying 'we, our age, the nineteenth century'. . .  For what does a mere individual count for? Our age knows only too well how little it is, but here also lies the specific immorality of the age.

'Immorality of the age'? Well, not just during Kierkegaard's nineteenth century, but from his day to ours. Western Liberal Democracy may claim to reject the extremes of communism, fascism and the other generalisers; but the word 'democratic' tells another story. The word 'Democratic' comes from the ancient Greek language and means the rule of the 'demos', or a particular group of people in terms of their location or class. As we saw in The Democracy Fraud, this means that, sooner or later, the beliefs and values of the majority are imposed on the indivdual: first through propaganda, then through legislation, and finally by force.

But then there is Plague 4 . . .