'The cleverest kind of tyranny is one in which the poplace is hoodwinked into believing that it operates as a free society'. (Stafford Beer: Decision and Control).
If Psychology as Religion tells a person that the truth is ‘what I want it to be’; then the truth for many people together as a group is ‘what we want it to be’.
Here is just one exploration of how Psychology as Religion has infected democratic politics. Let's begin with the quoted aims of the UK Liberal Democrat Party, as in its well-
' . . . a fair, free and open society . . . no one shall be enslaved by conformity . . . we acknowledge and respect their right to freedom of conscience . . . we reject all prejudice and discrimination . . . the right to speak, write, worship, . . .'
Now let's look at how these words interpreted in practice:
'A fair, free and open society'? What does this mean if a society has been infected and taken over by the Psychology as Religion? The answer is that once any values that we have of right or wrong, true or false, are described as a social construct; then the political opportunity comes for those who have consciously or unconsciously absorbed Psychology as Religion to decide what is to be called a fair, free and open society; and it will be one that conforms to the established dogma of Psychology as Religion. (As in Prescriptive Psychology as an Establised Religion . . .)
'No one shall be enslaved by conformity'? In our society where any breach of 'political correctness' is at least condemned, or can even be a crime; then conformity is what anyone who hopes to continue their life and employment without social condemnation or even penalisation; is something to which they are enslaved. So much for 'freedom of conscience' and 'rejection of prejudice and discrimination'.
But just a moment! Isn't that confusing what the Liberal Democrats would like society to be, with the way society is now? Well, let's see what they support in practice. While asserting that their constitution asserts the 'right to speak, write, worship': one of the UK Liberal Democrat Party's own leaders was furtively forced to resign because the values of his Christian faith clashed with the Party's commitment to LGBT values. Wouldn't a truly 'liberal' party be able to incorporate more than one set of values? But that was just one example of how Psychology as Religion now controls our so-
Yet democracy has been defended in terms of Winston Churchill’s quote:
Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.
But is it true that democracy prevents one person or one group from having unrestricted power over others, like the absolute power of a dictator? Study of both history and our present day, shows that it doesn’t. In democratic societies it’s the majority that has absolute power. In a democracy it is the values of the majority that are imposed on those who do not agree with them. This is done through parliamentary and other democratic processes that make the laws that control our lives: just like the will of a dictator.
Supporters of liberal democracy would loudly object to this statement. After all, we have a ‘Rule of Law’ based on ‘Human Rights’. Aren't these meant to ensure that minority rights and freedoms are protecte? But where do these ‘Human Rights’ come from? They come from various legal constructions like the European Court of Human Rights or the US Supreme Court that are created and enforced by elected majorities.
So if the ‘Rule of Law’ or ‘Human Rights’ are politically and legally enforced by a society whose values are those of Psychology as Religion; then the truth is then what the governing majority wants it to be.