Now let’s be careful. When I was young, male (see *Note below) homosexuals (the word ‘gay’ wasn’t used then) were persecuted by the law, society, and especially by policemen (yes, men) who wanted an easy way to make arrests and promote their careers. In those days I remember being present at an informal occasion in a police station when a senior officer suddenly appeared and urged the policemen present to sweep down on a local public toilet used by gay men as a pick up venue. (In those days the illegality of male homosexual acts forced gays to use the sordid context of public toilets as a pick-up site).  So please, dear reader, what follows is not about LGBT rights. Instead, it is about exactly the same issues that everyone, LGBT or not, who wants to promote freedom of individual rights has always been concerned with: freedom of choice.

This freedom should accept that individual human beings have values about who they are, what they believe, and what they should be free to do. But with one essential criterion: that these rights, beliefs and actions to not interfere with the rights of other human beings to do the same.

Sadly, such a simple statement of true human rights has been squashed by Psychology as Religion. Up until the late 1960s homosexuality was seen by psychiatrists (those priests of Psychology as Religion) as 'sexual perversion' or problem to be treated as an illness. But given the flexibility of Psychology as Religion’s view of truth, fashions changed; and by the mid 1970s homosexuality became just one of the legitimate ways of regarding human sexuality.

Thus, both before and after the 1960s, and true to the principles of the Psychology Religion, homosexuality was not a descriptive view of some human characteristics; but a prescriptive statement of what should, or should not, be accepted. Now that the values of Psychology as Religion have slipped into our thinking, our values and our laws; then any expression of a view on any issue, is a crime if it does not conform to the prescriptive views of the Psychology Religion.

Thus, for example, any expression of repulsion of any of the physical acts of male gays makes you a criminal, guilty of 'a hate crime'. And all this has happened in a a so-called 'liberal democracy', making it another example of The Democracy Fraud . . ..

This situation may be described as acceptable, approved of, or desirable; but it cannot be described by a rainbow range of colours, or any word beginning with 'multi', as implying different views living together in harmony.

Once again, Psychology as Religion promotes lying hidden under an attractive and comforting label.

*Note: Lesbianism was never illegal in Britain. The rumour was that when laws against homosexual acts were being set up in the 19th Century, Queen Victoria couldn’t understand how one female could penetrate another, so the politicians left females out of the legislation!!?

More Symptoms . . .