Covid and other plagues may go, but we will still be infected by these Four Great Plagues that are destroying our true humanity
Plague 1: Psychology as Religion
Human Relationships are not the way they ought to be. Despite the belief in modern psychology, counselling, family and child-
Plague 2: Nature as God(ess)
The World is not the way it ought to be. Despite the belief in 'the' science: disease flourishes, the environment is polluted, species disappear, the planet dies . . .
Society is not the way it ought to be. Despite the belief in historical progress, technology and economic growth: millions starve, international crime and human trafficing and drug addiction, homeless beggars live on our streets, disorder and hatred continue . . .
Solutions are not the way they ought to be. Despite belief in the power of strategy, organization, management and legislation: grandiose plans and projects fail, budgets are overspent, deadlines overrun, unintended outcomes cause confusion and chaos, political investigations into failures produce more blame than solutions . . .