From Emjay Shari ( Why Have I Created this Website? An Explanation
There is a great poem called The Ring and the Book by the Nineteenth Century English poet Robert Browning. It is set in Seventeenth Century Italy and tells the true story of the murder of a young wife by her husband. After the husband has been found guilty and sentenced to death, he appeals against the sentence to the Pope. The Pope is an old man about to die. He reviews the evidence of the murder and sees that the murderer's evil actions justify the death sentence. The Pope's final words are: 'How should I dare die and this man live?'
Well, I am an old man too. Unlike the Pope in the poem I am not judging a murder of a single human being, but I am seeing evidence of the gradual murder of what it is to be a human being: the murder of our natural humanity. The first page of this website shows who the killers are. They are what I have called the Four Plagues; and this website is my warning about them. When I see these murderers at work, I ask myself a similar question to the one that Browning's Pope asked: 'How should I dare die and these Plagues live?' So all of this website is about me trying to advocate a death sentence for these 4 Plagues; before they destroy us.
None of what I've said so far on this page will mean much to you if you've come here without reading all of the site; so I'll put in some links below for you to go back and read what's really needed if you are to understand the whole of what this site tries to say.
So here's a summary of the message of my website and I hope you will be encouraged to read all of it:
Plague 1 tells us that 'The truth is what we want it to be'. That sounds like giving us complete freedom of what we can believe and do. In fact, it is a formula for slavery.
Plague 2 tells us that 'We are animals'. Again, that enslaves us; because it either makes us prisoners of sentimentality, experimental subjects of biology, or merely automated machines.
Plague 3 tells us that 'We are controlled by a machine called History'. Note that I am not denying that knowledge of the past is relevant, nor am I denying that we can't learn lessons from it (which we seldom do); but I am warning against us being enslaved to something called 'History' as our Master or our God.
Plague 4: tells us that 'We have a formula for controlling our World'. Even the briefest look at our world today shows that it is a mess. Yet Plague 4 tells us that we have a formula to put put things right; but reality shows us that all the 'formulas' tried so far don't work. Meanwhile, we are enslaved into a belief of what CS Lewis described as: 'That mystical 'this time' which is always going to be so different'; and it never is. Instead, we get the same old sequence of hope, revolution, tyranny and failure.
Having asked questions about these values and beliefs and finding that we do not want themto be imposed on us; what can we do? Here are some suggestions––>