Psychology as Religion has seeped into our society, imposed its beliefs and values on us, and now rules our lives: just like official religion did in the past.

Vitz, in his book: Psychology as Religion (William B Eerdmanns Publishing Co. 1977. 2nd edition 1994), recognised this as long ago as 1977. He saw that Psychology as Religion already existed in his time in great strength throughout the United States; but now we can see that it has spread throughout the so-called liberal democracies in Europe, Canada and Australasia. These liberal democracies arrogantly assume that their values are both tolerant and ‘correct’; and from which human beings have no means of legal dissent because grandiose titles like ’Human Rights’ are used to impose Psychology as a Religion its subjects. So Psychology as Religion is extensively supported in schools, universities, and social programs that are financed by compulsory taxes. As a result, Psychology as Religion has been destroying historic and traditional values of individual freedom, family life and tolerant societies for many years .

As a result, other countries and cultures which do not conform to the values of Psychology as Religion, find themselves actively infected with those values through commerce, media and political interference. Indeed, they are often imposed through economic and political sanctions, or even by the military intervention of Western Nations in the name of ‘Liberal Democracy’.

But just a moment: aren't liberal values, like tolerance of diversity and freedom, things that we ought to accept and encourage?  Many supporters of religion might say something similar. They might say something like: 'Shouldn't we all be in favour of loving our neighbour; like the Jews and Christians say? The short answer is 'yes'; but the longer answer is that religions and their  beliefs and values get poisoned.

How Religions get Poisoned

Religions usually begin with someone spreading a set of beliefs and values which aim to benefit their fellow human beings. At that personal level, religions can be a positive influence. They may encourage kindness and honesty in relationships and build social groups that reflect these values.

So how is it that societies based on religion can lead to intolerance, bigotry and persecution?

The answer is that religions start to have nasty effects when a religion becomes a political instrument of the state. If we look at history we find that it is when kings, rulers arnd politicians decide to use religion for their own ends, that religion is perverted into an evil thing that has little to do with its original beliefs.

Can you imagine Jesus burning anyone at the stake; like the medieval so-called Christian Churches? Can you imagine Buddha burning the villages of Moslems; as happened in Myanmar? Was the beheading and rape in the ISIS ‘Caliphate’ consistent with the Moslem God Allah who is said to be merciful? The list of such crimes in the name of religion seem to be endless. But all too often it isn’t the fault of individual human beings and their sincere religious beliefs that cause such evil. Instead, we find that vociferous mob demonstrations, political propaganda movements and manipulation of our language; lead to a set of beliefs becoming the Established Religion almost before we notice it happening.

Prescriptive Psychology as an Established Religion . . . .

        The Guernsey Maryrs:

Mother and child burnt at the stake