What Does Ethan's Story Tell Us?

I believe that this fictitious story contains many true themes that are common to societies where Psychology as Religion determines that ‘Your King is a Child’. Let’s examine some of these:

Behind all the events of his story is Ethan’s mother’s set of beliefs and values that governed how she related to Ethan. She had been so indoctrinated (or ‘educated’) into these beliefs and values that she was not consciously aware of them; but they could be summarised  as: ‘Never say no to a child’.

The result of this was that Ethan crashed around with little chance of learning, because he had little guidance except a mixture of disappointed emotions from his mother when he did something that she did not want. She reconciled herself to what was clearly a destructive situation for both her and him by deciding that he had some ‘condition’. This, of course, being a way of dealing with the problem by calling it a name that had been invented by the Psychology Religion. And if this invented condition could require drug treatment by Big Pharma, then they could make big profits from ‘treating’ the ‘condition’; and the great thing for them is that conditions are not diseases. Diseases can be cured, which means that the drugs which treat them are no longer needed; but a ‘condition’ is an in-built characteristic of a person that will never go away; so the ‘treatment’, in the form a pharmaceutical drug, has to continue for a lifetime. This means big profits for Big Pharma and a strong temptation for the forming of profitable alliances between Big Pharma and those who invent/define new ‘conditions’; namely, the ministers of Psycology as Religion.

It’s interesting to compare this characteristic of Psychology as Religion with what arch-atheist Richard Dawkins says about religions. He accuses religions of inventing a disease called ’sin’ so that religion can benefit from offering a 'cure' called ’God’. Perhaps it’s time for Dawkins to update his definition of religion to include normative psychology: where invented 'conditions' assign 'theraputic' power to those who invent them. Once again creating an example of:

Dependency for the Many; Power for the Few

-and this principle is being taken further by Psychology as Religion in trying to make us all 'children'.

The first step towards this goal was to capture the word 'child' by making the United Nations define the word to mean any human being under the age of 18 years. Just think: a 17 year-old male, nearly two metres tall, able to father a child, and free to give sexual consent; is a 'child'!

The next step is now well under way: we are all encouraged to cry at the least excuse, and if we don't, we do not understand ourselves or are in a state of 'denial'. So if we are in a situation where our job; our standing in our social context; or worst still, our legal situation; depends on accepting this view of how we should behave; we have a strong motive to lie: as in the type of situation described in 'The Warning Comes True' above.

More Symptoms . . .